Five Easy Ways to Incorporate Digital Tools into the College Classroom

Elizabeth Cornell
Here are some notes on my talk at the last FGSDH meeting on teaching with digital tools. Please share your experiences with these tools in the comments.

The students in my “Tales of Gotham: NYC in Fiction” are reading some great books this semester, among them Mark Helprin’s A Winter’s Tale and Toni Morrison’s Jazz. They’re also developing expertise with digital tools they’ll likely need to know how to use in the real world and that they can use in other classes, too. These include  WordPress, Zotero, Prezi, archives and databases, basic text analysis tools, mapping, and the rich resources for writing and collaboration on GoogleDrive.

Who’s teaching them how to use these tools? Not me. They’re teaching each other while they also think and talk critically about the texts we’re reading. All I did was divide them up into small groups of three and four, and assigned to each group one of the following roles described on the Infographic below. For the groups assigned a particular tool, such as Prezi or WordPress, they taught the class how to use it. The Discussion group not only taught the class how create a Prezi, they collaborated on one to support a discussion on the semester’s first reading, poetry by Walt Whitman. In addition to demonstrating how to use WordPress, the Blogging group had to explain good academic blogging practices. They then modeled those practices with posts about Whitman’s poetry. Other groups, such as the Activity and Wild Card groups, were given free range to explore digital and nondigital ways to engage the class with course material. So far, this approach has been successful: my students are animated in class and we’re having fun as we learn together. No boring lectures about literature from Prof. Cornell. Right now, two of my classes are using GoogleDrive’s presentation software for collaboration on an annotation project for A Winter’s Tale.

In their written reflections to me on the first round of group work (groups rotate roles), many students admitted to initially having strong reservations about working together, only to discover how much they enjoyed it. This was due in part to their online collaborations. That is, not everyone had to be in the same room at the same time for work to get done. For example, they’ve discovered the ease of communicating and sharing editable documents and presentations with each other (and me) using GoogleDrive. Moreover, they are pleased to be learning together ways to use digital tools that they may well need expertise in when they look for jobs. Finally, they like teaching each other and taking the lead in discussions and activities.

Here’s the Infographic describing each role that groups will undertake during the semester. Students have access to the graphic in the private space of the course website.

—Elizabeth Cornell

Notes on Paperless Teaching

Patrick Burns
Thanks for all the insightful comments and positive feedback on my talk at Tuesday’s meeting, Eliminating the Handout: Paperless Teaching and the Less-Paper Reality. One things that came through is that we’re in a transitional period and eliminating the handout probably isn’t entirely practical yet. But five years from now—perhaps sooner!—the volume of paper that many of us still deal with on a regular basis will seem extremely old-fashioned. As we embrace this transition, here are a few things worth keeping in mind:

Will having a paperless classroom make your life more difficult?
Paper is a tool and often a very useful one. While I might cringe a bit if an instructor regularly passed out stapled, 30-page, one-sided readings, the occasional handout is not going to hurt anyone. For me, it was a matter of making my teaching style fit better with the rest of my workflow and that meant avoiding paper wherever possible. It also meant that I had many other parts of a rock-solid paperless system already in place. Accordingly, wholesale change might not be practical when you have all of your other teaching responsibilities to take care of. For now, perhaps it would be best to simply become more conscious of your paper needs by asking yourself before heading over to the copier: why do my students need this and why do they need a paper copy?

Are you ready to make your classroom computer friendly?
Based on several conversations I’ve had recently, laptops and tablets are for the most part still an unwelcome guest in class. The main reason given is that they are distracting. It is hard to argue that a student who spends class time on Facebook, or texting, or playing games, or [fill-in-the-blank] is not going to be distracted, or worse, distract other students. That said, I have found that making the laptop or tablet a focal point for in-class work seems to reduce these temptations. (I’m not delusional—I said reduce, not eliminate.) Of course, if the technology makes you uncomfortable, the benefits of a paperless classroom are never going to outweigh the negative impact on your teaching style. Paperless teaching is not a goal in itself, but a strategy for making the best use of your time, energy and resources as a teacher. Make no concessions that do not serve the main goal.

Are your students ready for a computer-friendly classroom?
Of course they are, or so I thought heading into this semester. This one surprised me. I can’t imagine doing seriously work without my laptop and I assumed my students felt the same way. As it turns out, they are in a transitional period too. We are starting to see a handful of students in each class fully committed to taking notes on their laptops and reading articles on their tables, but there many more who instinctively reach for pen and paper. It appears that many of them are open to computer-centric study habits, but for whatever reason—perhaps the no-device policies of other instructors or anxiety about experimenting with a new workflow mid-semester—are slow to adopt them. I have no doubt that this will change and perhaps change quickly. In the meantime, be aware that despite your best efforts at keeping paper to a minimum, you may need to deal with some resistance.

Are you comfortable with online assessment?
With my intro and intermediate language classes, quizzes are the biggest paper burden and finding some other way for regular assessment and feedback is very appealing. I’ll be honest though—I’m not there yet on this one. Still I am willing to experiment. This semester, I’ve begun to administer quizzes through Blackboard. It is too early to report the results of this experiment, but I can say that so far I’ve been happy with two things specifically: 1. quizzes no longer take up valuable class time and 2. I no longer have to manage the non-stop administer-collect-grade-return cycle. I will jettison this experiment in a second if I think that my students are learning less Latin. Again, too early to tell. Look for a future post about what I discover.

I aspire to a paperless lifestyle outside of the classroom. Moreover, I’m at the point where my laptop and my phone are with me at all times. That’s where I do my much of my reading and where I jot down all of my notes. It would feel disingenuous to run my classroom with different priorities. My experiments are going well on the whole and I’m dealing with setbacks in turn. I think it is important for all of us to maintain an open discussion of successes and failures as we adopt the tools and strategies of digital pedagogy. Keep me posted on your own paperless progress in the comments.

—Patrick J. Burns

Digital Pedagogy: What Is It? How Do You Do It?

A Discussion and Workshop led by the Fordham Graduate Student Digital Humanities Group


September 25
Walsh Library Computer Lab 047

Eliminating the Handout: Paperless Teaching and the Less-Paper Reality
Patrick Burns will lead a conversation with the group on best practices and reasonable strategies for eliminating handouts and adopting eBooks in the classroom. He will share his experiences of the ups and downs he’s encountered this semester in his Intermediate Latin class of going paperless and using online material. During discussion, the group will share their own experiences and similar experiments with paperless teaching and computing in the classroom. In addition to instructors using online textbooks, this discussion may be of special interest to language teachers using online dictionaries and grammars, as well as for any teacher using out-of-print and out-of-copyright material mainly available online.

Five Easy Ways to Incorporate Digital Tools into the College Classroom
Elizabeth Cornell offers a hands-on workshop on easy ways to bring digital tools into your classroom. Use of these tools require little preparation on the teachers’ part except general knowledge of them. This approach not only develops students’ versatility with a variety of digital tools, it encourages them to become better communicators and collaborators.

Digital Pedagogy: From Public Course Blogs to Grand, Aggregated Experiments?
Will Fenton discusses aspects of the graduate-level course in digital humanities that he currently is taking at the CUNY-Graduate Center.

For more information about the interdisciplinary FGSDH,
check out our website,, and like us on Facebook.

Welcome to the Fordham GSDH

At the next meeting of FGSDH: Digital Pedagogy

Learn some easy, innovative ways to use digital tools and methods in your classroom

September 25
Walsh Library 047 Computer Lab

Patrick Burns: “Eliminating the Handout: Paperless Teaching and the Less-Paper Reality”
Elizabeth Cornell: “Five Easy Ways to Incorporate Digital Tools into the College Classroom”

>>This meeting is open to any interested graduate student.<<

About the Fordham Graduate Student Digital Humanities Group

The development and use of digital tools for research, publishing, and pedagogy are becoming an increasingly important part of academic life, not just for digital humanists but for anyone working in the humanities. The Fordham Graduate Student Digital Humanities group will meet on a twice-monthly basis to discuss and learn about practices and methodologies in the digital humanities, particularly in the contexts of graduate studies and professionalization. This group should be of special interest to students who are preparing for a professional academic career in the humanities, a career that most likely will require digital fluency in regards to teaching, research, and publishing. Check the Schedule page for information about our current meetings and longterm plans.

The Fordham GSDH is recognized by the GSA as an official Working Group. We welcome students from all disciplines, whether or not they have experience using tools and methods related to the digital humanities. The group consists of students at all levels of expertise, ranging from the beginning to the experienced. Computer Science students with an interest in humanities scholarship are strongly encouraged to join this group.

Please Like us on Facebook. On our Facebook page, you’ll find announcements for upcoming FGSDH events. We also frequently post links and resources that may be of interest to group members and friends.

Please join this friendly group at our twice-monthly or so meetings, on Fordham’s Rose Hill campus. Check the schedule page for meeting times, as well as for special events we’re planning, such as workshops, conferences, and study groups.